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In-person church service is canceled due to snow on 2/9. Please consider following along via Zoom


Belleville Church Sunday Worship every Sunday at 10:00am

  • Join Zoom Meeting:

  • Meeting ID: 965 5869 3900

  • Dial by your location 1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

    Music is used with permission by CCLI# 2242420.


Meetinghouse Temporarily Closed

The Belleville Congregational Church has decided to temporarily close the historic Meetinghouse to focus on renovations to the building for its future use as a community performance and arts center. The Belleville Arts Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization launching a fundraising  campaign for the Belleville Meetinghouse Arts Center. Keep checking this website for updates on our progress as to when music will be filling our hall again!! You can be part of our historical renovation by making a donation in any amount to Belleville Arts Foundation, 300 High Street, Newburyport, MA 01950.  

For more information visit



Pastor Ross Varney


For more background on Rev. Varney,

See the following interfaith interview HERE


We gather to worship a God whose steadfast love and mercy are the ultimate divine qualities.


We trust in Jesus as Christ and Savior, who is primarily the spirit of Grace, and Peace with Justice.


We trust in the Holy Spirit as that spirit that has come to live in and among all with open hearts. 


We say that “whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey you are welcome here!” 


Our worship is intergenerational, with a family feeling, where "no one is anonymous” as one of our

elders has said. In other words, you can become an integral and known part of Belleville rather quickly!


I think you will find sermons relevant (I share genuinely from the heart), and the music comforting and inspiring (Music director Lance is most dedicated and creative) and the fellowship very real (shared over refreshments that often can be an entire lunch!)  Most of all I think you will feel welcomed and loved.  Come help us in this “post-pandemic” time as we re-gather and rebuild.  


Pastor Ross Varney   

Centered in the inclusive love of Jesus Christ, we seek to be a welcoming, affirming, and healing congregation. Led by the Holy Spirit, we are inspired to grow and be renewed through our worship, fellowship, scripture study, and the sharing of our gifts. Strengthened by God's love and guidance, we strive to serve with compassion those in need, both near and far. 


Our mission statement is our "ideal" ministry. In actuality, we are an eclectic group of seekers and servants who have learned to be compassionate and encouraging of one another over time. Our ministries are growing and varied; we are open to continual transformation and new creation, as led by the Holy Spirit. Please join us. We think that you will find the Belleville Church community to be a place where you can receive supportive love and share your gifts and talents.

Our Mission

Belleville Congregational Church
A United Church of Christ
300 High Street, Newburyport, MA 01950

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